Sunday, February 14, 2010

Japan has really short promos

Remember that One Piece promotion? C'mon, it was like three posts back. Anyway, the promotion is already over. It lasted less than a week. We got 5/9 posters. Because back home, promotions last longer than 5 days. We figured we had time.

We haven't given up hope yet about finding the rest of the wanted posters, but the prospects are rather dim. Fortunately, we nabbed all the posters we really liked. The rest were simply for completeness.

In that similar vein, McDonalds is running a promotion featuring American Burgers. They have a burger named for every state and each burger gets one week. That's it. Then it's gone. They've already gone through Texas and New York while we were here, and they are halfway through Hawaii now. It's insane!

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